The Living Yogi – An Introduction
We all know about several saints from the days of yore who merged with God by virtue of their devotion and penance (tapas). Shivabalayogi is however unique even in this respect as it was the Gods – Parvathi and Parameshwara – who merged with him. At the early age of 26, this young man by the name of Sathyaraju, completed an intense twelve-year ‘tapas’ under their guidance. Being convinced that he had attained the absolute egoless state, satisfied that he is totally unselfish, and having tested and confirmed that he is qualified to carry out their divine mission in this ‘Kaliyuga’ – the dark age of ‘Kali’, they bestowed upon him the title of ‘Shri Shri Shri Shivabalayogeeshwara’ meaning the best amongst Yogis, who is dedicated to Lord Shiva and ‘Baala’ – Goddess Paarvathi Devi.